Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Being a Teacher-Learner

By: Melanie Midgley
In our last blog entry Donna Klockars speaks on the importance of 'creating, nurturing and sustaining a community of learners' and how the role of the 'teacher as chief learner' plays an essential part.  

So wearing my Teacher-as-Learner hat, I've recorded some reflections on what it means to be an effective learner...
ImageChef Word Mosaic - ImageChef.com
I made this 'Visual poetry' using ImageChef - a fun, easy and addictive tech tool!
...and how these qualities enable educators to create a rich, valuable and far-reaching learning community.    

As teacher-learners we need to start with the children in our care; we must dedicate time for purposeful observation that will enable us to understand and honour the unique strengths of each learner.  Our community of learners begins when we feel valued and respected.

As teacher-learners we need to trust in our students' ability to teach each other; we must plan opportunities for students to learn through peer mentoring and multi-age groupings.  Our community of learners thrives when we discover we can help each other.   

As teacher-learners we need to recognize the deep value of family; we must be willing to open our doors, plan as partners, ask questions and share ideas.  Our community of learners is nurtured when we understand that we are all meaningful contributors.

As teacher-learners we need to explore beyond the classroom walls; we must integrate real life experiences for children to learn with elders, serve their neighbourhoods and connect with nature.  Our community of learners expands when we reach out and take action together.  

How do you create a community of learners in your classroom?

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